Weekend Wildfire Preparedness

Create Defensible Space Maintain 3 zones around your structure, collectively called defensible space. Remove dead vegetation. Trim branches overhanging roof. Remove combustible materials in the 0-5 FT zone. Click here to learn more about building and maintaining defensible space. Maintain Roof & Gutters Debris (including leaves and pine needles from nearby and overhanging trees) will…

Is It Hail Damage?

Hail can occur in any strong thunderstorm, which means hail is a threat everywhere. Think you have hail damage? Call your insurance agent first. Hail can damage roof coverings and shorten the life of a roof. Hail can also cause damage to siding, windows, fences, lawn furniture, vehicles and other property. Knowing which roof coverings…

Tips on Hiring a Roofing Contractor

Quality installation is a core part of the roofing equation. IBHS and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recommend these steps for choosing the right roofing professional. Check for a permanent place of business, telephone number, tax I.D. number and, where required, a business license. Request verification of professional liability insurance. Look for a company…