Follow these recommendations for businesses located in wildfire-prone areas.
Create defensible space
To reduce the opportunity for wildfire to ignite your business, maintain the 3 zones around your building, collectively called defensible space. Learn how.
Reduce vegetative fuel
Create a vegetation maintenance plan to reduce ignition sources. If using plants around the building, select ones with low combustibility characteristics such as high moisture content, low oil or resin content, deep roots with thick heavy leaves, and minimal production of dead vegetation.
Check fire hydrants
Ensure fire hydrants are located no more than 250 feet from the primary buildings and are connected to a reliable public or private water source.
Use noncombustible materials for all signage
Consider exterior walls
Select exterior wall cladding made of noncombustible siding materials such as concrete and brick. Ensure the start of siding is a minimum of 6 inches above the ground.
Choose the right windows
Select windows that are dual-paned with tempered glass. For operational windows, install screens to cover sections that can open. Always close windows when wildfire threatens.
Protect against embers entering through vents
Install ⅛-inch noncombustible mesh screening over all vents.
Clean and use noncombustible materials for roof and gutters
- Regularly remove debris from roof and gutters, since it can be ignited by wind-blown embers.
- Select gutters and downspouts made of noncombustible materials such as aluminum. The gutter should incorporate an integral metal flashing at the roof edge, or a separate flashing should be used at the roof edge.
- Select roof covers with a Class A fire rating based on testing to ASTM E108 or UL 790.
Choose noncombustible materials for decks
When it’s time to replace deck boards, choose a noncombustible product or a combustible product that complies with the requirements of the California Building Code, as provided in the Office of the State Fire Marshal Building Materials Listing Program.